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E-mini ES Futures Day Trading Recap Thursday February 29, 2024

E-mini ES Futures Day Trading Recap Thursday February 29, 2024 The indices experienced fluctuations throughout the day before a late-day rally propelled them higher. The Nasdaq, as expected, led the way with a 1% gain, contributing approximately 0.5% to the overall increase. Despite the previous night's downturn in Snowflake's stock price, enthusiasm for high-priced tech stocks remained largely unaffected. In fact, it appeared that the rally even expanded slightly in scope.

When the SPY 30-minute chart is in an uptrend, buying support with a time pivot tends to work very well.

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Our time pivots worked very well today, ended the day with a small gain. We short in the red zone with two or more factors and buy in the green zone with two or more factors.

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